
Top 5 Foods In The World You Must Try Before You Die


Top 5 Foods In The World You Must Try Before You Die


We all have our favorite foods, and we love to share them with others. Whether it’s your mom's cooking or a great meal at a restaurant, we always want to tell others what they're missing out on! But sometimes even the best cooks in the world can’t create something that everyone loves. So we decided to make sure you don't miss out on those foods you love so much:

Top 5 Foods In The World You Must Try Before You Die



Bacon. It's like the food that can't be missed, no matter where you are or what you're doing. There are so many different types of bacon and even more ways to enjoy it, but one thing is for sure: if you haven't tried it before this article then now is your chance!

Bacon is a cured meat made from the meat of the pig by curing it in salt, often with other spices and flavorings added (like maple syrup). The result is something similar to ham but much leaner than either one. Bacon has been popular throughout history because of how versatile it is—it can be eaten on its own as well as used in everything from sandwiches to salads; there isn't any shortage of recipes out there either!


Chocolate cake is a rich, moist chocolate cake with a creamy chocolate icing. It's often served as dessert at birthday parties and weddings. The name "chocolate" comes from the Spanish word for “hazelnut” because the earliest recipes used hazelnuts as an ingredient instead of cocoa powder.

This popular dessert has many variations that can be found around the world:

  • Chocolate Cake – This classic version uses flour, sugar, eggs and butter to create its texture while almond extract adds flavor; it might have walnuts or raisins added as well depending on what region you're in!

  • Devil's Food Cake – This version uses all-purpose flour instead of whole wheat flours like you would find in traditional recipes; it also has less sugar than other versions so it has less fat content but still tastes amazing if made correctly!


Pizza is quite possibly of the most well known food on the planet. It tends to be had for breakfast, lunch and dinner . You can make your own pizza at home or you can get it at a restaurant.

There are lots of different types of toppings that go on top of pizza: pepperoni; sausage; ham; mushrooms; tomatoes; onions…and so many more! You may also want to add some cheese if you’re feeling extra hungry!

Pizza is very easy to prepare because all you have to do is put some flour on your hands (or use some cornmeal), then shape dough into balls before placing them onto an oven tray lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil (if using aluminum foil ensure there are holes so steam can escape). After putting these into oven preheat it up until 400 degrees Fahrenheit then cook for 20 minutes until golden brown around edges then remove from oven carefully using tongs while turning over occasionally until cooked throughly but not burnt yet :)


Burgers are a staple food in America, and for good reason. They're delicious, easy to make and can be eaten at any time of day. The best part about burgers is that they contain protein, fat and carbs which are essential for fueling our bodies with energy! If you're looking for something new to try next time you're hungry or want something different than what's offered at your local fast-food joint then look no further than these five delicious burger recipes:

  • Beef Burger with Bacon Jam (Recipe)

  • Spicy Buffalo Chicken Burger (Recipe)

  • Black Bean Burger with Guacamole (Recipe)


Sushi is a traditional Japanese food that's made with vinegar-seasoned rice, nori seaweed wraps and other ingredients. It's usually served with soy sauce. In the U.S., sushi is typically rolled up in nori (seaweed) and wrapped tightly with thin slices of fish or other seafood such as tuna or salmon. The word "sushi" literally means "to arrange" in Japanese; it refers to how each piece of sushi has been carefully arranged on top of one another so that they can be eaten like a whole meal rather than having several different foods attached together before consuming them separately later on during lunchtime at work or school!

Sushi chefs use special tools called “futo maki” which are designed to make sure none of these pieces fall apart when being chopped up into smaller pieces by hand after being cooked inside hot water for about 10 minutes depending upon what type you choose from our menu today."

These foods will make your life infinitely better.

Food is an extraordinary method for uniting individuals. You can make your favorite food with friends, or even with family members who you may not see very often anymore because of distance or time constraints.

Food can be a social activity and provide an opportunity for conversation at any time of day, no matter where you are in the world. People will have different opinions on what they like best—and this gives everyone something new to talk about!

If there's one thing we all agree on, it's that food tastes better when shared with others! The sense of belongingness that comes from eating together makes us happier than if we were alone by ourselves (even if it's just sharing some snacks).


As you can see, there are many foods that are world-renowned. In fact, a lot of people say that they love to eat them. But if you're looking for something new and exciting in life then keep reading because we're going to tell you about some dishes from all over the world that will make your mouth water!

Section: 1. Paneer It is considered by many Indians as their national dish, but this cheese has become popular worldwide in recent years. It is made from fresh curds of unprocessed buffalo milk and can be eaten with salads or on its own with crackers or naan breads.

Section: 2. Green Chili Paste This spicy condiment contains chilies that have grown in South America since before European colonization began there back in the 1500's; it has been used as both a cooking medium as well as an ingredient for sauces and dips throughout history! Today it's available everywhere from supermarkets like Whole Foods & Trader Joe's right down through small mom-and-pop shops like 99 Ranch Market at Walmart where they sell fresh chili peppers every day (with coupons)!

Section: 3. Feta Cheese From the Greek island of Crete comes this creamy white sheeps' cheese which is often served with pita bread slices so that everyone at your party can enjoy themselves without feeling left out because everyone will want some on their plates too!

Section: 4. Sake Best known for being consumed before drinking alcohol itself (which explains why sake can be so expensive!), sake is really just rice wine but when brewed correctly becomes something much more complex than any other type out there today - even better than beer itself! Try one tonight after work when everyone else has gone home because once again we've come up with something no one else thinks up yet still makes sense while providing an opportunity to share good times together while doing something great instead of

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