
Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog || How To Write A Blog?


Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog, How To Write A Blog? 

Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog, How To Write A Blog


  Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog || How To Write A Blog?  Writing a blog post is like writing an essay. You need to know about the topic and express yourself in a way that makes your readers want to read more. If you are looking for ways to write SEO friendly blog post, then look no further. We will help you with this task by providing you with some best tips that every blogger should follow.


How to write SEO friendly Blog?

Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog, How To Write A Blog

  • Write SEO friendly articles:

  • Use keywords in the title, body and meta description.

  • Write good quality content that is unique to your niche or industry. You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to help you find out what people search for on Google and then write articles based on these keywords, so that they will be able to easily find them at the top results page of Google when they search for something related to that topic/keyword combination (for example - if you want people who are searching for “how do I make money online” then you should write an article about making money online).

  • Make your blog post unique:

The second tip here is that when someone searches for a certain topic (for example – “how do I make money online”), then it goes without saying that there will be hundreds of articles written about this subject too! So instead of competing with others who have already covered this topic extensively, 

try coming up with something different which hasn't been covered before but still falls within those same parameters - meaning it should still provide value added information as well as being useful enough so as not only attract readers' attention but also retain them once they've read through all available content available on your site(s).

Keyword Research for a blog post

Keyword research is the process of finding the best keywords for your blog post. You can do this in a few ways, and it's important to choose the right tool for the job! Here are some of the most popular keyword research tools:

Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog, How To Write A Blog

  • Google Keyword Planner ( – This is where you'll enter all your target keywords into their search bar or go directly through their keyword suggestion tool (the yellow box). They also have other tools, such as Suggestions and Trends that will help you see how people are searching for certain topics online at any given time so there's no need to use more than one source when starting out with your research process; just check them out!

  • Moz Keyword Explorer (https://mozkeywordsexplorer.mozawsiteservices){}{}{}{}{}.{}){}){}){}.{}.{}){}}) - In addition to having free features like "SEO" which shows results based on Google search queries related specifically towards SEO content creation strategies featured within each result page snapshot below; there also exists several paid options available including Ahrefs ($99/month), Ubersuggest ($5/month) etcetera depending upon what kind of information needs getting from these sources versus other ones mentioned earlier which might be too expensive cost wise but offer better value considering how much time goes into researching them all before making final decisions regarding choosing those particular ones worth investing money into Am sure glad they exist because without knowing someone else could spend years looking around trying different sites before realizing what works best!"

Add Images and Videos on the blog post

Images and Videos are the best way to attract visitors. This is because they help you to improve the user experience, which leads to increased traffic and sales. In addition, images and videos get more attention than any other type of content on your blog post.

Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog || How To Write A Blog?

It's important that you add images and videos in a way that makes them easy for readers/visitors to find when browsing through your blog post or website – this means placing these elements at or near the top of their reading order (usually above text). When dealing with such large files like photos or video clips this can become quite challenging; however there are ways around it! If you're using WordPress then simply upload them into an attachment file which will automatically appear as soon as someone clicks onto them during their visit (just like how attachments work).

Use Internal Links and External Links on your blog posts

Internal links are a way to tell Google that your website is an authority on a topic. This can help you earn more search engine traffic, which will help build your blog's authority and popularity among users.

Top 5 Tips To write SEO Blog || How To Write A Blog?

When you create internal links, they appear in the "Related Articles" section under each post. To add them:

  • Go to the editor of your website (e.g., WordPress) or use another tool like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog SEO Spider;

  • Enter in the URL of any page that has been created using WordPress and then click "Add New Link";

  • Click "Save Changes", then refresh Google Analytics at least once so it shows new visits coming from these external sources

Use proper Heading while writing the blog post

When writing blog posts, it's important to use proper Heading tags. Headings are used for the main topic and subtopics of your blog post.

Heading tags help readers scan the content and decide on which section they want to read more about. They also make it easier for search engines like Google and Bing to understand what you're saying in your article.

Here are some examples of headings:

  • H1 - This is a main topic; this should be bolded or italicized in order for people to know which section this belongs in when reading through their browser (this kind of heading is usually used at the beginning of paragraphs).

  • H2 - This is another subtopic within the larger article; again, it should be bolded or italicized so that readers know where they are within each paragraph/section within your post (similarly with H1).

Write SEO friendly Articles and Rank Higher in Google.

Writing SEO friendly articles is one of the most important aspects of blogging. If you want to rank your blog on Google, then writing good quality content is a must for your success.

There are many ways in which you can write excellent content for your blog:

  • Add Images and Videos on the blog post

  • Use Internal Links and External Links on your blog posts

  • Use proper Heading while writing the blog post


In this blog post we have covered the top 5 tips to write SEO friendly Blog, How To Rank My Blog in Google and make money from it. I hope you like what we have written here and can take some benefit from it!

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